Monday, July 18, 2011

Soon it will be time to move from my apartment (as every year or so). I was looking around on the web for a cool place when I stumbled upon this great apartment in Austin. Since I am going to move with my roommate my priority was to find a place with two bedrooms. The second condition was that it was relatively inexpensive (under $700). The apartment I found not only fulfills these two requisites, but it offers amenities that go beyond our expectatives. One might think that services such as free internet are unnecessary, but --truth be told-- for a student these factors many times equal the difference between an A and a B. Besides that, the location of these apartments (they are located less than 2 miles from the university) is also a huge benefit for academic performance and, given that I ride my bike to school everyday, it also helps me stay in shape.

While in school it is very important to live in a comfortable place that will enhance our experiences as students (after all the memories of this period in my life are the ones that I will cherish the most). It is also very important that the place is adequate to perform well in school; otherwise we would live in the library!


ביטוח דירה מושכרת said...

Very nice indeed. Sometimes it can be tough finding a good apartment not taking about the payments (electricity, internet, apartment insurance etc.) coming with. Good Luck!

Anonymous said...

I have had the best intention of reading your blog. But there is a huge problem: that horrible pink. The design of this blog seems made for your worst enemy.Not fair! This is rude. If bad taste were a federal crime, the designer would be sentenced to life imprisonment. Believe me, I tell the truth and nothing but the truth. Thanks for the attention given to my comment. NADIR PRAETES LAERTE. Sao Jose Dos Santos, Brazil.

Anonymous said...

Es suficiente con ver los contenidos que producís, para comprender la clase de individuo que sos. A cada tanto estas lanzando procacidades. Las palabras marcan destinos. Y en vos es bien recorrente el vocabulario soez. Sustantivos como mierda, adjetivos como cabrón, verbos como cagar, etc. os marcan el sendero siniestro. Por eso dejáis en evidencia toda esa carga medio fecal que hay en vos y en vuestro aliento. ¿Tenéis halitosis? Es seguro que sí. Que cuandro abrís la jeta, se percibe algún mal aliento. No maldiágis más. Callaos el hocico. Pensad y obrad cosas buenas, positivas. ¿Estamos? ¡Ah, y quita ese puto color rosado de ese blog! Es asqueroso.

Manzanares 342, Oviedo